Pumpkin Pie Is Officially Back At Costco

Warm spices have replaced summer's zest. Costco pumpkin pie is back in the bakery, delighting shoppers.

Some questioned the Christmas trees lighting the decor aisle, but the reappearance of the renowned dessert had many jumping with delight.

Observant Costco buyers found the dessert in their bakery department. The pie usually returns around September 1, but this year it arrived in late August.

 One Costco Pie enthusiast on Facebook purchased over 90 pies during the holidays, but the dessert's sweetness is not the only reason for repeat visits.

Although pumpkin pie returned before fall, it is likely to stay around for a few months. It would be remarkable if Thanksgiving dessert disappeared before the turkeys were served.

Tasteful and affordable Kirkland brand and Costco bakery items fill Costco shoppers' trolleys. The seasonal Costco pumpkin pie becomes legendary every year.

These amusing facts can make eating that first slice more enjoyable, even when everyone can't wait.

While the $5.99 price tag is appealing, the pumpkin pie weights 58 ounces, making it less than 10 cents per ounce. Because the pie may be split and frozen, it can be bought in September and eaten until Thanksgiving.

The bakery staff carefully prepares this renowned recipe, using fresh pumpkins and twice baking the filling for a rich flavor. Costco bakes pumpkin chunks, purées them, cans them, then bakes them again.

The cans are sent to Costco stores nationwide, where pumpkin purée, pre-mixed seasonings, and house-made dough are cooked into pies.

Over 2 million of those purchases were before Thanksgiving, yet this seasonal delicacy has become a staple. If it goes from the bread case, folks may do more than sign a Change.org petition.

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