Legendary Soda Being Discontinued Due To Low-Quality Chemicals

Wegmans has many reasons to adore it, but this week it's breaking hearts by eliminating a fan favorite. The grocery chain is removing WPOP drink owing to questionable contents.

"Our 'Food You Feel Good About' banner means no artificial colors, flavoring, or preservatives. Wegmans Brand Soda contains aspartame and high fructose corn syrup, therefore we discontinued it.

Our purpose is to help consumers live healthier, better lives via outstanding food, and we want you to trust Wegmans Brand products "The firm stated.

"The news today is making me think about WPOP—I think almost every holiday family photo from my childhood features at least one person holding a root beer or a lemon-lime," a longtime fan wrote.

The chain declared that WPOP will be discontinued "Wegmans Brand soda will not be produced and will sell out within a week.

So buyers are stocking up while they can. One Twitter user shared, "Just bought nine 59¢ clearance WPop bottles. #AMA"

WPOP fans may be disappointed, but some support the discontinuation. It's great what they're doing. The harmful effects of soda are one reason I don't drink it.

In September 2017, a review indicated aspartame "even at recommended safe dosages, might not be safe." It's linked to neurological difficulties and cancer.

We think Wegmans should stop making WPOP because of its unhealthy components, but we wonder if they'll replace it with something healthier. If not, try a great, healthful low-sugar beverage.

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