Flat-Belly Foods You Should Be Eating After 40


Blueberries in bite-sized pieces are my favorite snack. A cup of blueberries has 80 calories and 4 grams of fiber to keep you satisfied.

Anthocyanins, vitamin C, vitamin K, and manganese are also found in blueberries.


Mushrooms are high in fiber and low in calories, helping you feel full and lose weight. Now is the time to start eating mushrooms if you don't already!

Participants who committed to a mushroom-dense diet lost seven pounds and had lower BMI and waist circumference. These participants also maintained their weight loss.

Lean Proteins

Protein is necessary for weight loss, especially in the diet. A calorie deficit causes muscle loss and fat loss. Strength exercise and a high-protein diet reduce muscle loss.


A bowl of oats is another great flat-belly snack. Antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and protein fill oatmeal. Its high fiber content may help you lose weight by keeping you fuller longer.

Healthy Fats

You may cringe at the phrase "fats" on your weight loss quest, but you need to eat some fat to decrease belly fat. Especially with healthy fats like polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats.

Carrots & Celery

Finally, for a flat tummy beyond 40, eat lots of carrots and celery—or other fresh veggies. Carrots and celery are low in calories and high in fiber, keeping you satiated for longer.

A small dish of combined veggies might satisfy your hunger between meals without affecting your weight reduction.

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