7 Core Exercises to Get Sculpted Abs

1. Cross-Body Mountain Climbers

The cross-body mountain climber is a core workout that packs a double punch due to its combination of ab work and cardio.

2. Dead Bugs

The abs, hip flexors, and lower back are all worked out by dead bugs.This low-impact core crusher develops coordination by having you move opposite sides of your body at the same time.

3. Hanging Leg Raises

Hanging leg raises are well-known for challenging the lower abs, but they also engage the remainder of the core and hip flexors.

4. Plank

This core workout has endured for a reason. Planks work your core. The plank strengthens your abdominal, back, and glutes. It also improves core muscle stamina.

5. Side Plank with Hip Dips

This core workout has endured for a reason. Planks work your core. The plank strengthens your abdominal, back, and glutes. It also improves core muscle stamina.

6. Spiderman Plank

Spiderman planks strengthen abs, obliques, and hip flexors.Mastering the Spiderman plank improves balance, coordination, and mobility.

7. Toe Touches

After a few reps, this movement becomes deceptively difficult, so pay attention to form to maximize muscle benefit.

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