10 Healthy Snacks to Reduce Cravings and Weight

1. Avocados and Tomatoes

Avocados' fiber and fatty acids satisfy longer. Avocado-eaters had lower BMIs, waists, and weights. Low-calorie, high-lycopene avocados and tomatoes lower blood pressure. Guacamole with whole-wheat chips works.

2. Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt is great: half a cup has probiotics, calcium, and 12 grams of protein. Avoid sugary cups. Best bet: Plain yogurt with fresh fruit and almonds.

3. Oatmeal

Oatmeal cups make terrific snacks. They fill till dinner. Instant oatmeal eaters were less hungry and ate fewer calories at their next meal than cereal eaters, according to studies. Choose plain or low-sugar.

4. Apples and Peanut Butter

Fruit is the best sweet snack. Apples and pears aid with long-term weight loss, according to research. For fiber, fat, and protein, spread peanut butter on a Honeycrisp.

5. Almonds

Almond-rich diets prevent heart disease and weight. Stock up and add them to yogurt, homemade trail mix, or eat them plain.

6. Sweet Potato Toast

Cut and bake sweet potatoes for weekend toast. Water and fiber in sweet potatoes reduce hunger. Add ricotta and salt and pepper.

7. Egg on Whole Grain

Toasted whole wheat is traditional. Add a hard-boiled egg for a filling snack. One egg a day won't raise cholesterol or heart disease risk.

8. Cottage Cheese

Supermarkets neglect cottage cheese. It's worth buying: 16 grams of protein every 5.3-ounce cup. Tomatoes, avocado, salt, and pepper make a tasty snack.

9. A cucumber

It can be sliced, sprinkled with sea salt, and eaten like crisps. The vegetable's inherently high water content will also contribute to hydration.

10. A pear

However, these high-fiber crops are just as portable and juicy as apples.

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